Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Galway, Ireland

Today I took a day trip to Galway. It was beautiful. and I saw the Atlantic Ocean from the other side. Plus I got to see the Irish countryside from the bus. It was a great day trip. When I get back I will show you gorgeous pictures.

Also, there is an adorable old Irish lady staying in my room at the hostel tonight. We talked for a bit. She is the cutest. I want to remember her.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I used to bite my nails when I was a kid. A lot. And really badly. I would bite then until they bled. It was a terrible habit. I still, to this day, often pick at my fingernails. But I haven't bit them in a looong time. It is pretty disgusting. Anyways, my nails have gotten really long and I desperately need to cut them. But I have nothing to clip them with. I could buy nail clippers for pretty cheap I'm sure. But then I would have to throw them out when I get on the plane in two days. So, as gross as it is, I bit my nails. It was gross. I felt gross doing it. And I did a terrible job. Once I get to Holland maybe I will invest in some nail clippers because I will not be flying anywhere. I shouldn't need to cut my nails until at least then.

Sorry if this was too much information for you. I had to share it with somebody.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Ireland may be my new favorite place. First of all it's beautiful. But mostly I am sleeping for 4 nights for 30 euros and I bought a few nights worth if dinner and some orange juice for 2.72 euros. That is absurd. I like it here.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Clean clothes

Today I did my laundry. It feels really nice to wear clean clothes again.

Tomorrow off to Dublin.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So here's the thing. I'm in England. England. For serious. It's crazy and beautiful. They have castles like it's nothing and the buildings are so old they are basically falling over. It is just such an older country than te US. Well not the land. But the civilization part of it I guess. Anyways. I think it finally hit me that I'm traveling around Europe. Paris was great. But maybe it seemed too much like Spain and Italy to me. Not familiar but not new. England is different. Or maybe it's just because they speak English and I feel moderately comfortable. Or maybe it's because the French aren't overly welcoming. I've heard twice from strangers that the French are rude and don't like foreigners in their country. They get annoyed if they have to speak english to you. Well whatever it is, it has sunk in that I am here and I am doing this. And I know it will be hard and challenging but also amazing and refreshing. To know that there are people all over the world just being people and living their lives. That there are good people all over the world doing good things. We're all just trying to live our lives the best way we know how. No matter what country we live in.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

New friends

Last night I went out with a girl that I met in the hostel. She is just about to dart a study abroad program. She was meeting her classmates and invites me along. So I went and had drinks with people from all around the world. She was from Bulgaria. Her classmates were from Mexico, Spain, Germany, Norway, Sweden, England, etc. It was cool to talk to all of them who come from such different cultures. But we also has a lot in common. It was a really fun night. And nice to hang out with some people. I was starting to feel lonely. Especially because I couldn't talk to people on the street because they all speak French. Or even hear a familiar language as I walk around. It was nice.

Tomorrow morning I will be heading to London. But this is not goodbye to Paris. I will be back here on the last few days of my trip.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I made it safely to Paris and successfully navigated the public transportation. Now to go explore.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Minneapolis got a total of 12.5 inches of snow last night and it is still snowing. It hasn't snowed more than a few inches since December. I need to get to the Chicago airport by tomorrow afternoon. My bus cancelled some trips but it says mine is still on schedule. I really hope it still is. Otherwise I'll have to figure out some other way to get there...


Here are the things that I will be getting very used to for the next 3 months.

Clothes for 3 months of travel (not including the things I'm currently wearing)

All of my other belongings

All of my things in my 35 L backpack
Weighs a total of 18 pounds

Monday, February 14, 2011


In one week from right now I will be on my way to Europe. That is crazy awesome!